Jody Rose Helfand

I am Jody Rose Helfand, someone who changed my female body to match my male soul. I am also a professor, professional keynote speaker and an author. I’ve been perceived in this world first as a female, with a female socialization, and second as male, with no socialization. I learned how to move in the world as a male while being careful not to abandon the ‘female’ self; within my male soul and outer male expression, there is a desire for polarity, the balance of feminine and masculine. I had to destroy myself before finding myself, working within the confines of the sinister constructed labels that can limit the soul’s true expression. I deconstructed and reconstructed while speaking my truth and listening to my heart, finally finding intense relief and a deep sense of inner peace. Jody Rose Helfand, 2014

3 day workshop
Work up close with two of Australia’s pre-eminent photographers, explore regional Australia from a unique viewpoint, meet new people and develop your photographic practice!