In 2010 a team of explorers comprising of wildlife photographers, filmmakers and scientists embarked on an expedition from the Antarctic Peninsula to South Georgia. This stunning visual documentation of this expedition captures life above and below the ice, the fauna and flora, glaciers, and the magnificent land and seascapes of this great wilderness.
Featured Work: Michael AW, Aimee Johanson, Amos Nachoum, Andreas Jaschek, Carl Brandes, David Doubilet, Eric Bettens, Jennifer Hayes, Jenny E Ross, Jorgen Rasmussen, Scott Portelli, Steve Jones
Kickstart our month-long festival of the arts with music, photography, and community on the shores of the dazzling Bondi Beach. Be the first to know who won the 2024 Head On Photo Awards and get a taste of the photographs redefining visual storytelling.
Enthralling. Enchanting. Extraordinary. Discover exceptional photography for free around Sydney during the festival 8 Nov–1 Dec 2024