Fraud Blocker

Well two things are certain. Firstly, that you are an excellent photographer. Secondly, that you’ve got a little bit of work to do before May.

Before your start perfecting your ‘humbled and enthused’ opening night speech, make sure you’ve run through this list of small tasks to ensure your exhibition is the roaring success you deserve. 
1) Make sure we know you’re exhibiting
Firstly, if you have not paid your registration fee, you’re in trouble. The deadline was on the 30th of November. Woops! If you email our Program Manager, Anita, and ask very nicely we might be able to sneak you in.
If things go awry and you can no longer hold an exhibition with us in 2015, we are offering refunds for the registration fee until the 15th of February. We will be sorry to see you go.
2)Get thee to a venue
Have a think about your ideal exhibition, and the practicalities behind it.
Would you like to be there to meet the visitors? Would you like a weekend crowd? Are you hoping to make sales? Do you need a screening system to support your show?
With all these questions in mind, go forth and find! Once you have confirmed your venue, please send us the location and dates of your exhibition. Be sure to also run the date of your opening night past us at the same time.
If you are having trouble finding venues, contact Anita and we can supply you with a list of Head On endorsed venues to contact…on the condition your registration fee is paid.
3) Expand your mind
From copyright to catering, printing to promotion, a great exhibition requires more than the skills of the artist on display.
On the 28th of February, we will be holding our hugely successful ‘Pre-Festival Workshop’. Come along to hear a variety of leaders in their fields, presenting the finer points of putting together an exhibition.
Mi amigo es su amigo!
Having been in the photography game a while now, we’ve made a number of friends in ‘the biz’ that we would also be glad to put you in touch with.  Once you have confirmed your venue and dates we will send through our preferred list of suppliers.
Last but not least….

1) Make sure you are a member of the Head On Foundation which offers you discounted festival tickets, insider access and generally helps us deliver the best festival we can. 
2) Enter the Head On Photo Awards. The submissions are open from 15 January – 1 March and every image you submit gets you one closer to being a finalist. 
Image Credit: Steve Marshall

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Extended weekend workshop

Work up close with two of Australia’s pre-eminent photographers, explore regional Australia from a unique viewpoint, meet new people and develop your photographic practice!

Head On Foundation