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Use of personal information

Each applicant/exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that he or she will provide personal information (such as his or her name, address, telephone number and email address) to Head On Foundation. This personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Head On’s Privacy Policy


All NSW photographers are invited to submit work that reflects their NSW community’s experience of 2020 and /or recovery and vision for the future. 

Terms and conditions

  1. 2020 Vision is open to applicants of any age, currently residing in New South Wales
    1. Applicants under the age of 18 at the time of submission must have consent from a parent or guardian.
  2. An application fee of AUD$5 per submission is payable at the time of submission
  3. Applicants can submit up to 10 images per submission and an unlimited number of submissions Submissions can contain work from any genre of photography. E.g. fine art photography, photojournalism, documentary photography, still life, landscape, portraiture, alternative processes etc.
  4. Preference may be given to work created in NSW
  5. Head On Foundation will curate, produce and print up to two exhibitions and one exhibition catalogue of the final project consisting of up to 20 selected applicants  
  6. Successful applicants will be notified by 22 February 2021 and will receive the Terms & Conditions and exhibition guidelines and must accept them no later than 26 February 2021
  7. In the event a successful applicant is not accepted, a replacement applicant will be notified by 27 February 2021. The successful applicant will receive artist fees for participating in the project subject to providing Head On Foundation with a tax invoice when directed. Deadline to invoice Head On Foundation for payment is 4 March 2021.
  8. Head On Foundation will cover all costs for the curation, production and promotion of the exhibitions and catalogue
    1. Head On Foundation will organise exhibition venues that may be indoors or outdoors
  9. The exhibition catalogue will be available for sale during at appropriate exhibition venues and via the online shop at
  10. During Head On Photo Festival 2021, Head On Foundation may run an auction of exhibition prints with nett proceeds payable to the exhibiting photographers
  11. The applicant warrants that all works submitted are original works created by the applicant and that the work does not infringe any third party’s copyright, other intellectual property rights, moral rights or rights to privacy, and are not defamatory or otherwise in breach of any law. The applicant agrees to indemnify Head On Foundation Ltd and Head On Photo Festival for any possible loss or legal action against it in relation to these infringements
  12. Copyright in any works submitted will remain the property of the applicant. Head On Photo Foundation is entitled to use any image submitted for marketing and promotional purposes. Applicants agree that their images may be reproduced in any marketing and promotion of their work, of Head On Foundation and of Head On Photo Festival and be included in exhibition catalogue(s), limited edition postcards and on the Head On Photo Festival website. Such use may be in any media whatsoever and Head On Foundation may also provide images to Create NSW and other third parties for marketing and promotional purposes. Head On Foundation will use its best endeavours to credit the photographer whenever their image is used. Head On Photo Festival will endeavour not to crop images whenever these images are used
  13. The successful applicants will NOT exhibit the work between date of submission and the end of Head On Photo Festival 2021 unless agreed to in writing by Head On Photo Festival
  14. Head On Photo Foundation will be entitled to exclude or remove from the 2020 Vision project any applicant or exhibitor who has submitted false information or who does not comply with all terms and conditions set out by Head On Foundation
  15. Head On may amend these terms and conditions at its discretion

Submission process

Applicants must:

  1. Agree to the terms and conditions (refer above)
  2. Pay the submission fee of AUD$5.00 per submission 
  3. Submit work according to the specifications:
    1. Images 1200 pixels longest side
    2. Do not watermark your images
    3. Diptychs and collages should be submitted in one image file, not as individual files.
  4. State in which NSW region each image was created
    1. Regions as defined by the NSW government
  5. Submit a biography (up to 750 characters)
  6. Provide name, email, telephone numbers and mailing address
  7. Only submit via the Head On Photo Festival website ( during the submission period (18 January 2021 – 14 February 2021)

Selection process

 The Head On Foundation team lead by the Creative Director, Moshe Rosenzveig OAM will review all submissions.

During the selection process the team will only consider:

  • Individual images
  • The NSW region(s) of both the artist and where the image was made (where relevant)
    • NSW regions are defined as by the NSW government



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Explore the festival

Enthralling. Enchanting. Extraordinary. Discover exceptional photography for free around Sydney during the festival 8 Nov–1 Dec 2024

Image detail: Andrea Agostini