Fraud Blocker

Welcome to the 2009 Head On People’s Choice Award voting page.

You have only one vote and once you have made your choice, you will not be able to change it, so please take your time before voting.
you can get a larger image by clicking on the image itself; click on ‘vote’ once you have made your choice.
All votes will go into a draw for a chance to win books from Focal Press to the value of $200 and a copy of the the acclaimed photo manager ACDSee Pro 2.5 value of $140.
The winning photographer of the People’s Choice Award will receive Adobe Creative Suite CS4 Master Collection (RRP $5040)

Safari users on Mac please note: You may experience a problem where the “vote” button does not show under each image this is due to a Safari bug.

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Show your work

Are you ready to share your vision with the world? Head On Foundation offers a platform for photographers from all backgrounds.

Image detail: Head On Foundation