The Forgotten Ones – Milly

Milly’s sister sufferers from Alopecia Areata; an autoimmune condition that causes complete hair loss. This portrait is part of a larger series I recently photographed called ‘The Forgotten Ones’. ‘The Forgotten Ones’ photographic project focuses on capturing young Australian’s that live with a sibling that suffers from a Rare Disease. This project celebrates and recognises the unspoken and often forgotten support that siblings provide to loved ones suffering.
An estimated 400,000 children are affected by rare diseases, with many of these rare disease patients dying before their fifth birthday. Around 6-8% of the Australian population is directly affected by a rare disease however this statistic does not consider family members that are also dealing with difficult and stressful situations.

Extended weekend workshop
Work up close with two of Australia’s pre-eminent photographers, explore regional Australia from a unique viewpoint, meet new people and develop your photographic practice!