Ashley Mackevicius: Lake George
“I like to spend time with my subjects. As a result my creative output is slow, both in development and execution. Final images are often the result of months and sometimes years of experimenting, rephotographing, and ‘living’ with work prints.”
This year patience paid off for Ashley Mackevicius when his abstract landscape of the mysterious Lake George (pictured above) took out third place in the 2013 Head Off Landscape Prize. See the exhibition at Paddington Reservoir Gardens until June 23. We invited Mackevicius to show us a wider selection from the series.
As a landscape photographer I’ve been fascinated by Lake George for over a decade. Numerous attempts over the years to capture the constantly changing colour, texture and emotion of the somewhat surreal landscape have eluded me.
Despite the disappointments I have kept returning knowing that there was ‘something’ there.
On a few rare occasions the photographic gods have smiled upon me and I was able to capture what I had seen and felt so many times.
Landscape photography is not always simply there for the taking. It can be elusive and frustrating. It requires patience, persistence, technique and a sympathetic mental state to capture an image that communicates what the senses have experienced.