the reason i took this shot was not the weathered honeycombed sandstone, or the peaceful ambience of a tidal pool as dusk approaches, but the wounding of the boulders in the foreground by embedded, and now deceased, steel posts – a scar…
my mind is drawn to the impacts of humans into this landscape – the obvious tidal pool, a wonderful metaphor for the desire of humans to mould nature, confining it within a crude boundary in our futile attempt to master it; the tracks of a quad bike, which will disappear under the forces of tide, wind and rain; the aforementioned scar; the subtle clumps of sand on the foreground rocks, left by a passing foot…
and through this i am reminded of the impermanence of it all, the ceaseless ebb and flow of the tide, the continual weathering and erosion of the rocks into the sand upon which they rest, which in turn will (over countless millennia and through forces far greater than my puny mind can comprehend) turn back into the very rock from which they came…
i was also quite taken in by the idea that capture can mean the obvious “to take by force”, or “to gain control of or exert influence over”, or even “to represent or record in lasting form” (ie: to take a picture), but also that it is synonymous with “bewitch”… to beguile, captivate, enthral or enchant…
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