He turns garbage tins into daleks, camping chairs to nervy beasts, and blow up dolls into anxious girlfriends.
Enter the world of ‘When A Man Snaps,’ where Stuey’s words and photographs come together, uncovering the humour, whimsy and confusion of a world most of us walk right past.
“I don’t plan any of these photographs, I just turn up and there they are. Sometimes they’re hiding, other times they just wait patiently in plain sight.”
Stuey will leave one of his works tantalisingly uncaptioned, inviting the public to write their own caption
Pasteup installations at Perry Lane, Paddington and King Street, Newtown opposite Newtown Station.
Particpating shops (along Oxford and William St) include:
Alan Buki for O&M.syd |
Arts Bar |
Astton Shoes |
Blue Haveli |
Ecodownunder |
Eyeballs Eyewear |
Four Six Eight Café |
George Skoufis Optometrist |
Goodyer Realestate |
Imperial Hotel Paddington |
Infinity Bakery |
Lucille |
Opus Design Co. |
Paddington Laundry & Dry Clean |
Paddo Inn Bar & Grill |
paddo pets |
Poke Bowl |
Pusher Espresso Bar |
Red Cross |
Rico Jordan |
Salon 454 |
Save My Bag |
Sir Allen Taylor & Co |
sticks & stone Landscape Design |
The Cozbar |
The Natural Floorcovering |
Travel Bug Luggage |
Whole Harvest Market |
Wooly’s Wheels |
Zomp |
Stu Spence is a professional photographer with thirty seven years experience as a photojournalist and fine art photographer, and exhibits nationally, most recently in Sydney, 2017.
He has been published in a wide range of publications including Rolling Stone, The New Scientist (UK) and Women’s Wear Daily (NY).
He has also been a weekly columnist (words and photographs) for the Sydney Morning Herald, Voyeur (Virgin Inflight) and Qantas magazine.
Spence also performs onstage and has hosted a national cable television series, and is working on his first novel.
Submit your work to be considered for solo or group exhibitions in Head On Photo Festival.
Enthralling. Enchanting. Extraordinary. Discover exceptional photography for free around Sydney during the festival 8 Nov–1 Dec 2024