Wendy McDougall: An Unread World: Reading seems to be a natural thing for most people and something we probably assume everyone can do. Reading more often than not gives us the platform from which most of our opportunities stem. / IMAGINE you could not read. / What would your world look like? How would you feel surrounded by unreadable signs that guide others through life? Do we need to read? An Unread World offers a momentary glimpse and asks to think about how your world would be without words.
Kickstart our month-long festival of the arts with music, photography, and community on the shores of the dazzling Bondi Beach. Be the first to know who won the 2024 Head On Photo Awards and get a taste of the photographs redefining visual storytelling.
Enthralling. Enchanting. Extraordinary. Discover exceptional photography for free around Sydney during the festival 8 Nov–1 Dec 2024