Fraud Blocker

Invisible ink

Gabrielle N Menezes
This event has concluded
Entry Fee: Free

When I was 28, I had an affair with a married man. This relationship marked me the most and made me value myself differently. It’s only now, years later, that I can be honest about that relationship and understand its costs.  
Not only has the male gaze long objectified women’s bodies in photography, but women often sexualise themselves as well. I wonder if we make ourselves one-dimensional to hide the reality of our desires and feelings. In her book, ‘Three Women’ Lisa Taddeo writes, “We pretend to want things we don’t want so nobody can see us not getting what we need.”  
This series tells stories of the relationships that have changed us the most: affairs, abortions, abuse, young love, old love, polyamorous relationships, and desire in its many forms.  


Please check with the venue for up to date information about COVID-19 restrictions before visiting. 

I create photographs, films and multimedia for organisations, including UNICEF and UNHCR. With a background in journalism, I worked as the West Africa Correspondent for Al Jazeera. I left journalism to explore storytelling in more creative ways.  
My photographs are a reaction to how traditional journalism tells stories. They explore social issues in ways that are unconventional for photojournalism. I expose hidden, emotional stories experienced but not seen and shot on Polaroids or create Polaroid negatives.  
My work has been shortlisted for various awards, including the International Photography Awards for Nudes (2020) and exhibited at the Foto Nostrum Gallery in Barcelona (2020 and 2021). I exhibited in Head On Photo Festival 2020. 

This event has concluded
Entry Fee: Free
Max Mason-Hubers

Festival submissions open early 2025

Submit your work to be considered for solo or group exhibitions in Head On Photo Festival.

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Explore the festival

Enthralling. Enchanting. Extraordinary. Discover exceptional photography for free around Sydney during the festival 8 Nov–1 Dec 2024

Image detail: Andrea Agostini