Fraud Blocker


Group Show
This event has concluded
Entry Fee: Free
Exhibition Event:
Official Opening 20/05/2016 6:00 pm

Thirteen artists will be presenting their very different concepts of delicious and edible ingredients together with a small recipe book featuring the work in the exhibition.



Food photography has become a genre all on its own. But what happens when a group of art photographers decide to take on the challenge of innovative food photography? Those raw and scrumptious ingredients will start to look like nothing you’ve seen on the kitchen bench. 

Thirteen artists will be presenting their very different concepts of delicious and edible ingredients together with a small recipe book featuring the work in the exhibition. All images and the recipe book will be available for sale. 

“…consider the longevity of each photograph. It will remain exquisite for a great deal longer than the food it depicts” 
 – Leigh Stone Herbert, Gastronomer and Ecologist.                                                                                                 

Contem-Plate will be accompanied by another exhibition entitled Apple &. The apple is by botanical definition a fleshy pseudocarp, but the apple is rich in symbolism in almost all cultures. 

The symbols, myths and legends concerning apples are many. So the opportunity to interpret the theme Apple & is wide open and the artists represented in this exhibition have taken the challenge and run like Hippomenes in pursuit of Atalanta.

Artists include Lyn Arnold, Alison Baillache, Susan Buchanan, Brenda Chad, Nicola Drake, Andrew Freelander, June Lahm, Glyn Patrick, Carolyn Pettigrew, Janet Tavener, Kirry Toose, Adrienne Watson, Carmel Wellburn and David Young.

This event has concluded
Entry Fee: Free
Exhibition Event:
Official Opening 20/05/2016 6:00 pm
Max Mason-Hubers

Festival submissions open early 2025

Submit your work to be considered for solo or group exhibitions in Head On Photo Festival.

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Explore the festival

Enthralling. Enchanting. Extraordinary. Discover exceptional photography for free around Sydney during the festival 8 Nov–1 Dec 2024

Image detail: Andrea Agostini